Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Vinnies Storefront | Image via Vinnies

Is it Still Nifty to be Thrifty?

Written by
Angela Slater-Meadows
January 24, 2023
Is it Still Nifty to be Thrifty?
Vinnies Storefront | Image via Vinnies

It’s funny how one’s attitude toward thrift or second-hand stores can change from youth to adulthood. As a child of a single Mom (who was also a Trent student), I did not at all feel that it was nifty to be thrifty. In fact, I was quite contrarily embarrassed by my mother’s frugal shopping ways. Whether it was the local Sally Ann (a.k.a. The Salvation Army) or the YWCA (The Young Women’s Christian Association), I remember being very reluctant to go inside. 

I had little to no appreciation for the fact that in the early 19th century, General William Booth founded the Salvation Army to “meet the needs of all humans without discrimination” via a “Household Salvage Brigade”; or that over 150 years, the YWCA would become the Canadian forerunner in movements to “fight gender-based violence, build affordable housing and advocate for workplace equity.” Throughout my distracted teens and indulgent twenties, I couldn’t have cared less for what non-profit (versus for-profit) even meant. 

Boy, have I changed! Not only have I become a Trent student myself, but as a mother of two, I am now an enthusiastic thrifter for more than just frugal reasons. Besides just making economic sense to buy second-hand, especially when you realize how hard growing kids are on clothes, thrifting also satisfies both my environmental and social values by reducing landfill waste and providing affordable and accessible resale items. 

They say that we don’t truly appreciate things until they are gone. Although the national organizations of the YWCA and the Salvation Army are still very much going strong in their diverse social advocacy work, they have for some reason chosen to close their second-hand stores in Peterborough. The nearest Salvation Army thrift store is now located in Fenelon Falls. 

Why are there so few non-profit thrift stores left in our community while two corporate-based for-profits seem to be flourishing? Was it the COVID pandemic and the associated complications with in-person shopping and/or donations? Has there been a social shift away from thrifting altogether and/or more toward online second-hand stores and/or social media groups? Surely there is still a need for community-based, non-profit resale stores in Peterborough – perhaps now more than ever?!

If you still feel that it’s nifty to be thrifty and also care about supporting non-profit, community-based second-hand stores in Peterborough, whether through buying or donation, here’s a rather short but socially and environmentally well-intentioned rundown –

  1. VINNIES: 

Organizational details – 

Vinnies (a.k.a. The Society of Saint Vincent de Paul or SSVP) is a Catholic-based organization that aims to help those who are less fortunate. Vincentians have been serving the Peterborough community since the late 1960s and receive no government or United Way support. 

Charitable partnerships – 

The Food Pantry, located at 256 Murray Street, is funded by Vinnies thrift store locations and facilitated by local volunteers. Individuals, corporations, organizations, Catholic parishes, and schools also provide funding, donations, and community support. Anyone who is experiencing food insecurity can access the Food Pantry Wednesday and Saturday from 9 am to 11:30 am. 

Common resale items –

Some common resale items available at Vinnie’s include gently used clothing, household goods, electrical appliances, bicycles, and furniture.

Location information – 

Vinnie’s has three locations in the Peterborough area: the main thrift store is located at 799 Erskine Avenue, the second is at 144 Queen Street (in Lakefield), and the third is at 52 Hunter Street East. All locations are open Monday through Saturday from 9 am to 5 pm. More details can be found at


Organizational details – 

Habitat ReStore is a non-profit, sustainability-based organization with social and environmental goals to provide affordable homeownership to low-income families as well as reduce home renovation landfill waste. Habitat for Humanity has been helping to shelter the Peterborough and Kawartha community since 2002.

Charitable partnerships – 

Habitat for Humanity homebuilding projects, which help local families attain homeownership, are funded by Habitat ReStore locations. Community volunteers, donors, partners, and Habitat homeowners also provide funding and building support. 

Common resale items –

Although each ReStore has distinct resale items that vary based on donations, some common items include home décor, windows, doors, paint, furniture, hardware, lumber, tools, lighting fixtures, and appliances.

Location information – 

Habitat ReStore has three locations in the Peterborough-Kawartha area: 300 Milroy Drive, 550 Braidwood Avenue, and 55 Angeline Street North (in Lindsay). All locations are open Monday through Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm. More details can be found at

  1. LAWS (Lakefield Animal Welfare Shelter) Thrift Store:

Organizational details – 

Founded in 1993, LAWS is a non-profit, animal-welfare-based organization that is dedicated to facilitating adoptions for homeless animals in Lakefield, Peterborough, and the surrounding area, rather than euthanizing them. Committed to animal disease and population control, LAWS facilitates animal emergency and welfare assistance, feral spaying and neutering, pet adoption and fostering, and community education.

Charitable partnerships – 

LAWS consists of a Board of Directors, some limited staff, and many animal-welfare-minded volunteers. They are funded solely by community donations, memberships and adoption fees, and do not benefit from either government or private sector sources. 

Common resale items –

Common resale items may include gently used clothing, jewelry, home décor and housewares, and sometimes pet accessories. 

Location information – 

LAWS Thrift Store is located beside the Lakefield Animal Welfare Society Shelter at 2887 Lakefield Road (in Selwyn) and is open Tuesday-Friday-Saturday from 10 am to 1 pm and Wednesday-Thursday from 10 am to 4 pm. More details can be found at


The Causeway Treasure Trove is a community/environmentally based organization that supports local library children’s programs through enhanced services and special collections. For more than twenty years, this New-To-You thrift store location has been operated by local volunteers. Common resale items may include gently used clothing, housewares, and jewelry. The Causeway Treasure Trove is located at 826 Ward Street (in Bridgenorth) and is open Tuesday to Saturday from 11 am to 2 pm. You can contact them at 705-296-5065 for more details. 

Happy thrifting – to all nifty thrifters!

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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