Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Restaurant Review: Soupçon

Written by
Tyler Majer
April 23, 2016
Restaurant Review: Soupçon
Photo by Tyler Majer

I had eaten at Soupçon many times before officially reviewing the restaurant, so this is truly more of an awareness piece that a true review, but nevertheless.

Soup is maybe the most underrated dish. I think soup should be up there with pizza, pasta and junk food on the comfort food scale.

However, soup seems to get overlooked for how delicious and comforting it can be. Soupçon proves this wrong, and I highly recommend it to all students and all people looking for a quick, cheap bite to eat.

Located across from the Charlotte Mews on the corner leading into the alleyway that joins King Street, Soupçon has been open for about eight years now.

“[I] wanted to do something small and simple, try to focus on something that a lot of people are doing, but something that nobody really makes a conscious effort to do well,” stated the owner, Ross.

His focus then led him into the creation, and emulation, of many types of soup. Each day between 6p.m. and 7p.m., soups are for sale.

All are made from scratch, using no pre-made bases, such as bouillon, flour, etc. Also, there are always a few different types of bread to choose from to complement your soup choice. The beer bread is to die for, but more on that later…

The owner’s main focus seems to be of price combined with flavour.

“Soup”, he said, “is a really cool thing to do because you give people good ingredients. Give people something they haven’t tried before, and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to do.”

It truly is a space that students should be more aware of. A regular soup with bread on the side is five dollars. That is less than a pint at almost every bar. Unfortunately, most students are obsessed with drinking, and these delicious restaurants take a toll.


The atmosphere is quite homey. Looking around, you could see your grandmother or grandfather cooking up a family favourite in the exact space that Ross and his wife, Vanessa, operate in.

Another testament to this restaurant’s quality is the fact that you can see directly into the kitchen, and see the food being prepared and plated right before your eyes.

Furthermore, there is an alternate seating arrangement out back. A patio is located along the alleyway directly behind the restaurant. It sits near the river, so one can enjoy their food while also listening and watching the rushing of the Otonabee.

On the day that I attended, there were six soups on the menu. Deciding between them was hard, as each flavour truly sounded delicious. I opted for the Pork Vindaloo with a side of their famous beer bread.

I call it famous because it seems that almost every Facebook comment left on the restaurant’s page mentioned the beer bread and its deliciousness.

After a short wait, the large bowl was placed in front of me. Big chunks of meat, vegetables and potatoes poked out of the tomato-like broth.

The first bite tasted like warmth. Warmth of the inside, and the outside. Warmth of the mind. The pork fell apart quickly and was cooked nicely, while the spices seemed to flicker on my tongue. The beer bread was dense and cake-like and tasted amazing, containing overt hints of salt, butter and beer. Truly fantastic.

The taste of the bread and the soup lived up to the atmosphere, the expectations and the statements of the owner itself. A variety of different cultural dishes frequent the menu, be it Italian, Indian, Mediterranean, Asian, etc. There is truly something for everyone.

That is truly all there is to say. I have rambled on in almost 700 words saying what could been said so simply…It is delicious! Go there!

Finally, and funnily enough, Ross has a psychology degree from York University. So keep that in mind, as you complete your final exams. Some of us may just end up cooking soup.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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