Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment

"So much for democracy": Bonnerworth Redevelopment Goes Ahead While Resident and Councillor Concerns Remain
The Bonnerworth Park redevelopment was once again on the agenda at Peterborough City Council due to a motion brought forward by Town Ward Councillor Joy Lachica which asked once more for Council to be given final approval for the new park which includes a renovated skate park, a pump bike track, and—perhaps most infamously—16 pickleball courts. 
Heritage Preservation and Bonnerworth Redevelopment Subjects of Upcoming Motions at City Hall
Council will debate two Notices of Motion on May 13th with one re-opening the contentious Bonnerworth redevelopment project in the interests of greater transparency and Council oversight.
Bonnerworth Redevelopment Moving Ahead As Planned, Leal Calls Conflict of Interest Allegations "Most Absurd"
The Bonnerworth redevelopment project is moving forward as planned following a final vote of Council on April 8th. The $4.4M redevelopment which includes 16 pickleball courts, a skatepark expansion, and a pump bike track has been the topic of community unrest and debate at Council since plans for the park were revealed to the public just prior to a March 21st consultation session.
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Bonnerworth Park Redevelopment