Transphobia and Transmisogyny

Cinevangelism with Evangeline Robins Presents: Interlude the Second (The Corporate Sell-out Pride Month Special Edition): “The Clocky Horror Picture Show” or, a comprehensive account of my scopophilic transsexual flirtations with the medium of horror film.
LET'S BREAK THE WORD COUNT AGAIN! It's that bloody time of the month once more—none other than Evangeline's latest monstrous film column creation. This month our pure heroine expounds about the hallowed genre of horror, and just how exactly it made her a homosexual. But if you want to find out, you're going to have to click on it!
I'm Using The Litter Box at Your Child's School
Senior Journalist David King takes up the mantle to combat misinformation and demonstrate the insidous undercurrents of transphobia, homophobia, and misogyny at work when these false narratives gain power in online spaces.
Pride Month and Prejudice: The Dark Side of Pride
As pride month draws to a close, Evan Robins reappraises the discourses that were, from the presence at cops and kink at pride parades, to the annual pride month marketing campaigns. Despite pride's reputation as a family friendly event, she wonders whether this might distract from the plight of queer people still actively targeted by corporations and legislators that claim to support them.
Radio Free Arthur
With one Editor out of commission due to exposure, the remaining Arthur Editors, Abbigale Kernya and Evan Robins, discuss the past week in Peterborough news as Arthur returns to the airwaves. In this episode, we discuss the recent Peterborough Pride Week and the growing movement of hate being directed toward queer and trans communities.
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