Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Some Like It HOTT: 48th Annual Head of the Trent Regatta

Written by
Tasha Falconer
October 14, 2017
Some Like It HOTT: 48th Annual Head of the Trent Regatta

Head of the Trent is a mix of homecoming, alumni weekend, and sports, including one of the largest single-day regattas in North America. With tons of events throughout the weekend the Head of Trent had something for everyone.


One of the biggest events of the weekend is the Regatta. Over 2000 athletes competed in 400 boats. Over 50 universities and clubs competed, traveling from Ontario, Quebec, and the United States. The event starts at Parkhill Road Bridge, going along the Trent-Severn waterway to finish 5km later at the Symons campus of Trent University.

Trent students, faculty, and alumni spend the day cheering from the Faryon Bridge on campus. Many visitors who are supporting other teams cheer on and under a walking bridge on the Rotary Greenway Trail.

Excalibur teams got off to a great start with first place in the university heavyweight single men category, and fourth place in the university lightweight single men category.

Despite the second division being delayed due to a houseboat passing, Trent’s university lightweight double men took second, and university heavyweight double men took third and seventh.

Division three was potentially the best division for Trent, with the club double men taking first, and the heavyweight eight women taking second.

The lightweight eight men also found the podium, taking third in division four.

While they may be novice, the novice teams at Trent are the best. The novice women’s eight teams took both first and second place. The novice men’s eight teams placed third and fourth.

The Trent alumni eight teams also did well, achieving first, fifth, and seventh place.


The Excalibur teams did not have much luck over the weekend. Women’s volleyball lost 3-0 to Ryerson twice. Both men’s and women’s soccer faced UOIT, with the men tying, and the women losing 2-1. Men’s rugby also lost 27-7 to Waterloo.

While many teams felt the loss, women’s rugby and men’s lacrosse came out with wins. Women’s rugby won against Laurier 36-32. Men’s lacrosse beat Bishops 19-6.

Alumni Events

Alumni weekend is a large event, with over 1000 alumni returning. The weekend started with award presentations in the evening on Friday September 29th. Those who came back to their alma mater for the weekend could check out events specifically for them, including alumni tents, discounts at Wild Rock Outfitters, and pub gatherings. Alumni also played against the Excalibur volleyball and lacrosse teams.

Other Events

Other events throughout the weekend including the grand opening of the student center and campus tours. One of the most popular events was the beer garden, where people enjoyed the band, beer, and each other's company.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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