Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Trent Radio's fridge-friendly radio schedule for 2018-2019. Image courtesy of Trent Radio.

September at Trent Radio

Written by
Daniela Leal
October 24, 2018
September at Trent Radio
Trent Radio's fridge-friendly radio schedule for 2018-2019. Image courtesy of Trent Radio.

This article is a recap of a busy month—September.

I was given access to the September 2018 Report to have some real info to tell. And hey, I am aware that this is a late recap, that it is now mid-October, and that this is the Halloween issue of Arthur. So, I will begin with a warning that should be redundant—this is a September themed article, nothing spooky here.

The first week was comprised of establishing a good base for the beginning of the season. This includes confirmation of event schedules, and training sessions for new programmers. No shaky starts, we can’t afford a shaky start. You can’t afford a shaky start. But things went well, so no need to look back and dwell on any shakiness. Things went great.

One of these events was our annual Radio on the Lawn. For this event, local musicians play some tunes in the middle of mics and cables, at the intersection of George and Parkhill. Some of those cables went all the way into Studio A, and from Studio A — let me tell ya — the tunes went all the way. Like the whole way. The whole way to the airwaves and to your radios and your homes and cars and all around Peterborough and the Kawarthas. All the while, Trent Radio house was open for anyone to come in and enjoy the event live or to ask questions and to get to know our facilities.

This year Radio on the Lawn was the opening event for Trent Disorientation Week. It was fun, it was cool, and it was a full house, but it wasn’t on the lawn. The rain moved us all indoors but that is ok, right? Disorientation and whatnot.

Next, Clubs and Groups day at Trent University and Clubs Craze at Fleming were great outreach opportunities. Incoming and returning students had the chance to learn about how we work and about how to get involved. “Do you guys promote events? Can you promote this event that we will be having soon? How much ($) is it?” These were some recurring questions we got aside from other how-to-get-involved ones. And we would answer, “Yes! We make announcements about student and community events on the daily during our half-hour Smooth Operator slots which take place three times per day. You can send us an email to with all the information about your event, and you can check out our website for more info on how to format it!”

At Clubs and Groups day at Trent, a live broadcast booth accompanied the outreach team. Members of different campus clubs and groups were able to share a bit on what their groups do and about some of their upcoming events. And guess what? This audio also went the whole friggin' way: into the airwaves, to your radios and homes and cars… all the way.

After all this outreach, Trent Radio ended up neck-deep in programme proposals. Trent Radio people got together for two days to arrange the perfect schedule. We read all of your proposals. So much intrigue. So much scrutiny. Then we tried our best, I promise we really did try our best, to give everyone their preferred time slots. And finally, we were able to come up with the official schedule for the Fall season—the one that is now posted online at! This season, there are a total of 121 programmers, of which 41 are Trent University students, 80 are community members, and seven are Trent and community groups. Thank you everyone!

The season finally started on the week of September 23rd. All of our programmers are officially trained. Coffee is brewed, Studio A is preheated, Smooth Operator folder is being updated. So make sure to tune in to 92.7 CFFF FM on the dial or catch our livestream through our website. You better love it.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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