Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Photo by Gauravdeep Singh Bansal on Unsplash.

Table Seven, Anyone?

Written by
Harlen Wall
October 6, 2018
Table Seven, Anyone?
Photo by Gauravdeep Singh Bansal on Unsplash.

The story was born out of a peculiar need to explore the mysterious dynamic between men and women. I wrote this play because I always wondered if it was possible for a man to develop a real connection with his waitress, while eating a meal.

Table Seven tells the story of Evan and Zeda, two characters that collide in a artsy New York Diner. A simple transaction between waitress-and-customer quickly turns into a journey of self-discovery. It's almost as if Neil Simon meets Woody Allen in this refreshing two-character romantic comedy.

Evan is a quirky writer who has given up on life. Zeda is a jaded actress who has also given up on life. Evan wants pleasure and Zeda wants comfort but what they both need is love. Both characters need each other but they can't admit it. They need to learn to trust again.

One of the best parts about this romantic comedy is its location. It takes place in a cozy New York Diner with warm colours; hues of red and yellow and orange.

What makes Table Seven a delightful one-act play is the playful nature with its biblical themes, and how it contrasts secular and religious worlds.

The name of the diner is Little David and as the name suggests, the place is filled with biblical art and sculptures and a spattering of Judaica. I lived in New York and I can testify that it's easy to get lost in the decadence of the city. Yet, New York also has a very strong orthodox Jewish presence that is hard to escape.

Another thing that is hard to escape is the paradox of the central character. Evan loves the pleasures of New York City yet he loves the Bible and its values as well. He even eats at table seven every single week just so that he can be close to the sculpture of David, the shepherd-king who defeated the giant, Goliath. It would appear that Evan relates closely to King David and has his own giants to conquer.

Table Seven delivers pithy dialogue and a gaggle of sarcastic barbs but it also delivers an important message for this generation: love can be found in the strangest places and at the strangest times and we need to be more open. Seeds of hope and redemption are gently planted but not in a contrived way that is intrusive to the audience.

This play will be staged in Peterborough this winter. If you'd like to be part of the cast or crew, please contact playwright, Harlen Wall at

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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