Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

The Seasoned Spoon: a seasonal flavour

Written by
Seasoned Spoon Staff
September 2, 2016
The Seasoned Spoon:  a seasonal flavour

The Seasoned Spoon is perhaps one of the most unique and vibrant flavours around campus. This independent not-for-profit vegetarian cooperative is situated in a visually striking location just north of the Great Hall in Champlain College.

The stunning space boasts a scenic view of the Otonabee River and a relaxing atmosphere where one can wind down from the everyday stresses of student life. Food is at the core of everything the Spoon does and our food sourcing practices are rooted in our vision of a sustainable and just food system.

Spoon logo large

The Spoon is committed to serving locally, and whenever possible, organically sourced food at affordable prices. We prioritize cultivating meaningful relationships with local farmers, paying those farmers fairly and supporting a sustainable local food system.

Interested in trying out our seasonal food flavour yet? You can find the Spoon open with delectable edibles of all kinds from 8:00am-3:30pm on Mondays and Fridays and from 8:00am-7:00pm Tuesdays through Thursdays while classes are in session. The café menu is, of course, inspired by the changing seasons and always features a diverse selection of unique, creatively prepared dishes.

It is our aim to ensure that we always have something delicious to meet all dietary needs and our daily menu includes a variety of vegan, gluten-free, and dairy-free options. Some fabulous fall flavours you won’t want to miss include creamy corn chowder, roasted red pepper soup, melt in your mouth lasagna, chilli n’ chips or a fresh garden greens & hummus wrap.

While the flavour of the food is indeed important, the Seasoned Spoon offers more than just delicious, ethically-sourced eats. We are an open and welcoming collegial space where undergraduate and graduate students, staff, faculty, community members, clubs and organizations can socialize, study, host meetings or events, build community networks and engage in discussion and debate. The Spoon endeavours to act as a space on campus where community members can increase their awareness of food issues and be inspired to action.

Hummus & Veg

In fact, a central part of the Seasoned Spoon Café’s mandate is to offer educational opportunities to the campus and broader Peterborough community. There are lots of ways to get involved in Spoon programming and dig deeper into the food system. Join us for one of our weekly Wednesday workshops on DIY food-based skills such as canning, fermenting or seasonal vegetarian cooking.

Get involved in a Spoon student research project or service learning placement. Dine with us during our annual Harvest Feast or help organize a by-donation community meal. We always say one of the best ways of learning is through doing, so why not sign up as a volunteer in the Spoon kitchen?

Interested in the growing end of things? One of our most important producers and partners is Trent Vegetable Gardens, a volunteer-driven levy group at Trent University which manages two ecological garden sites at Trent.

Our partnership with the gardens completes a field to table campus food system at Trent University and provides not just campus-grown foods to students and community members, but also opportunities for learning and growth all the way from seed to fork. Get in touch with us to get involved. You may just find that food sustainability is the flavour of the season that interests you most.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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