Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Trent Visual Art Network: a creative hub on campus

Written by
Stelios Pappas
February 4, 2017
Trent Visual Art Network: a creative hub on campus

This network was founded on building a community through visual art. We aim to expose Trent University to a more vibrant and present art culture. Whether you are a full-fledged artist or someone who just has a love for art, this network aims to connect people from varying backgrounds to bring more texture to what we know as Trent University and the city of Peterborough.”

The Trent Visual Art Network, better known as TVAN, is a group of artists and those who have a love for expression within Trent and the Peterborough community. Their motto is “bringing artistic minds together,” and this is what drives them as a group.

Lobe Kingue, founder of the club, tells Arthur that he wanted TVAN to represent Trent’s artistic identity: “Trent doesn't have a strong art influence, so I told myself, why not use TVAN.”

Throughout the last few years TVAN has been organizing a series of free skill sharing workshops and events in disciplines ranging from film to sculpture and everything in between. Using these activities, the club seeks to provide a platform for artists in the Trent community to share their passion with each other and with peers who have yet to discover their inner artist.

There are a lot of growing opportunities within TVAN, from both the events themselves and the people that participate in them. Skills and experience can be acquired in photography, painting, drawing and more. Also, TVAN members are offered an opportunity to develop their interpersonal and leadership skills by helping organize events and interacting with peers of varying skill levels.

“From all the events that we had, the paint battles were the best,” adds Kingue. “Seeing artist attempting to complete a painting under 20 mins while being observed by a big audience was an amazing experience.”

Arthur also had the opportunity to chat with Hamza Khattak, current president of the group. In the past the club has also collaborated with other groups and organizations on campus and Peterborough. Khattak explains, “Last semester we hosted Paint Night with the TCSA and Lady Eaton College in which artists of varying skill levels had 2 hours to paint whatever they desired. This is an event which we hope to run again along with having an exhibit in the Spark Photo festival which will bring people from around Peterborough together.”

Any skill level is welcome and workshops are free to attend. The club can also provide resources if anyone is interested in seeing a specific idea realized. TVAN is a great opportunity to learn about art while meeting like-minded people. TVAN events, workshops and activities are posted on regular basis on their Facebook group. This semester some of their workshops will include levitation photography and tie-dyeing. If anyone wants to attend TVAN’s events or to get more involved with the group, they can contact, follow their Facebook (Trent Visual Art Network) group and page or visit their website


Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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