
Holiday Blues
It’s the 25th of December, and I am curled up in my apartment watching old episodes of Vanderpump Rules cringing hard at the television screen. This year, I am spending Christmas alone and it’s an experience (an isolating drab one). Being an international student living in Canada, one of the cons includes not having your family with you during holidays and missing out on family rituals.
Holiday Horror Films for the Whole Family
Do you find that the average holiday movie is “Ok”? Do you feel that if you watch one more flavourless Hallmark couple or one more Christmas miracle, you’ll become homicidal? Do you want blood? Gore? FEAR? Then you have come to the right place. As someone who adores the snow and hates the non-pagan traditions, I’ve compiled a list of six of the greatest holiday horror films to watch over the break. Just for you. Yes, you, Derek. 
Why Santa IS Real
Senior Journalist Angela Slater-Meadows explores the history of Santa Claus in North America and abroad.
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