Horror Movies

Holiday Horror Films for the Whole Family
Do you find that the average holiday movie is “Ok”? Do you feel that if you watch one more flavourless Hallmark couple or one more Christmas miracle, you’ll become homicidal? Do you want blood? Gore? FEAR? Then you have come to the right place. As someone who adores the snow and hates the non-pagan traditions, I’ve compiled a list of six of the greatest holiday horror films to watch over the break. Just for you. Yes, you, Derek. 
Everything is Haunted: Take Cover Books Hosts Halloweekend Horror Panel
On October 28th, Take Cover Books hosted the live event Haunted Houses & Primeval Woods featuring horror authors Ian Rogers and Richard Gavin. The authors discussed their respective methodologies and appreciation of the supernatural, before moving into a question and answer period, readings,, and a book signing.
Cinevangelism with Evangeline Robins Presents: Interlude the Second (The Corporate Sell-out Pride Month Special Edition): “The Clocky Horror Picture Show” or, a comprehensive account of my scopophilic transsexual flirtations with the medium of horror film.
LET'S BREAK THE WORD COUNT AGAIN! It's that bloody time of the month once more—none other than Evangeline's latest monstrous film column creation. This month our pure heroine expounds about the hallowed genre of horror, and just how exactly it made her a homosexual. But if you want to find out, you're going to have to click on it!
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Horror Movies