Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Local Publisher Launches Children's Book on National Indigenous Peoples' Day

Written by
Ethel Nalule
June 19, 2020
Local Publisher Launches Children's Book on National Indigenous Peoples' Day

In honour of National Indigenous Peoples’ Day on June 21st, Green Bamboo, a local Peterborough publishing company will be launching two newly translated versions of the children’s book Kindness Is… The book will be released in two Indigenous languages from the Northwest Territories, Inuktitut (an Inuit language) and Tłı̨chǫ (a Dene language), with the goal of releasing 7 more translations within the next year.

Kindness is… is written by Simone Tielesh and illustrated by Aidan Cartwright for children 0-5 years of age and demonstrates the importance of compassion, kindness, and empathy as a pet owner. The book is written in an engaging cheerful style that is relatable and fun, with bright, colourful illustrations using high contrast imagery and textured images.

This is potentially the first time in Canadian history that a book of this nature will be available in the nine official Indigenous languages of the Northwest Territories.The English version of the book was published in 2017 and was used as a fundraising product, while providing educational material to children.  Proceeds from the sale of the book are going to the Northwest Territories Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (NWT SPCA) .

In a press release issued by Green Bamboo Publishing, Dana Martin of the NWT SPCA reflects on the value of the translations: “[It] is important to help teach kindness, compassion, and empathy to children and adults in the Indigenous languages of the NWT. Our northern animals and our northern peoples are important to the NWT SPCA. It brings great joy to help kids learn about kindness while also helping to strengthen and preserve the traditional languages. Kindness Is... becomes a bridge that joins together the different peoples of the North, giving rise to a stronger community with common goals.”

The dog models, as shown in "Kindness Is..."

Kindness is… will be available to purchase on the Green Bamboo Publishing website at the cost of $10.00, as well as on Amazon, Indigo, and Walmart. The release of the book will include virtual readings accessible to parents and children across the country, a colouring contest, and more launch activities that will be available on the Green Bamboo Publishing website. Green Bamboo Publishing founder, Jasmine Cabanaw, believes that all children should have the joy of reading stories in their traditional languages and was eager to help when she learned about the project.

The launch coincides well with the mandate of Green Bamboo Publishing, “a philanthropic social enterprise that publishes quality children’s books about animal rescues and animal tales... Proceeds from book sales are donated to animal rescue organizations and children’s charities.”

As Cabanaw writes, “The stories Green Bamboo publishes are light and fun, but touch on the important subjects of friendship, sharing, overcoming challenges, and loving one another despite our differences.”

For more information about Kindness Is… and Green Bamboo Publishing, visit their website.

The English version of "Kindness Is..." written by Simone Tielesh and illustrated by Aidan Cartwright
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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