Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Still from Kirby's House. Courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.

ReFrame Review: Kirby's House

Written by
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay
January 11, 2024
ReFrame Review: Kirby's House
Still from Kirby's House. Courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.

Kirby Adam is a 50 year old man living in Pembroke, Ontario. He is a fan of both the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Blue Jays, and he works part time at an organic farm. He is meticulous about lawn care, passionate about birds (specifically finches), and is known throughout his small community for always being willing to lend a helping hand to his neighbours. 

All things considered, Kirby’s House tells an unremarkable story. However, in a society typified by housing and food insecurity, especially for those living with disabilities, the story of a middle-aged man with an intellectual disability owning his own home and living independently in a supportive community in small-town Ontario becomes remarkable in itself. 

Kirby’s House was directed, shot, edited, and produced by Rob Viscardis with his mom, Linda Viscardis, as co-producer. The eighteen minute long documentary is as much about the uplifting success of Kirby and his community as it is an indictment of the affordability crisis affecting so many people across Canada and around the world, especially for individuals who live with any kind of disability. 

Kirby’s mom, Noreene, recalls that at the age of 15, Kirby expressed his desire to live independently, which she admits was a bit of a shock but something she quickly came around to. 

The documentary’s narrative is carried primarily through conversations with Noreene, who recounts the different living situations Kirby has found himself living in prior to moving into his own home 2003.

“I say he’s moved about 12–13 times,” she recalls. “We just kept thinking, well, you know if he had someone with him, he wouldn’t be lonely. But he’s not lonely—that’s what suits him.” 

Kirby’s non-chalance about where and how he lives acts as a kind of mirror, reflecting the reaction we should all be having when met with a story about any individual who has found belonging within a community. At one point even Noreene admits that she is surprised by the degree to which Kirby’s neighbours are willing to be as helpful as Kirby’s are. 

“I don’t depend on them, but I know that they’re there,” she says, referring to Kirby’s friends and neighbours and how they were able to help Kirby when he had an accident while attending to his lawn.

What is an unremarkable statement of love and concern for one’s adult child, forces the viewer to reckon with the reasons why, in this instance, it feels like something more. Like perhaps in a world which is so rife with ableism, inequality, and fraught social relations which privilege the individual above the community, Kirby’s life stands out as something somehow unexpected. 

I am glad that Kirby’s House exists and that Viscardis was there to capture these moments of ordinary life. I wish we lived in a world where a documentary about Kirby wasn’t tinged with the understanding that so many others do not have the same resources or opportunities. It is this understanding, however, which makes Kirby’s House such a poignant work. 

In Peterborough, the City has made some large strides towards granting dignity to individuals whose access to housing and community has been interrupted for any number of reasons. The fact of the matter is that they all deserve the happiness, community, and purpose which Kirby finds himself with and which he shares so freely with those around him.

The 2024 ReFrame Festival runs from January 25th-February 4th. A list of films, tickets to events and screenings, and more information can be found on the Festival Website.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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