The Kawartha World Issues Centre (KWIC) has been working consistently over the past eight years to create programming that aligns with the goals made in 2015 starting with our SDG forums and reports where we 120 participants identified five local key priority action areas for Nogojiwanong/Peterborough. As 2030 approaches we are committed to continuing education on the SDGs through our in-school workshops to almost 2000 students, our gender equality projects, and our new program entitled Returning to Mother Earth.
October Is considered women history month and this year’s theme favors an intersectional outlook. However, without a lot of the populace aware of this celebration, its effectiveness at spreading awareness is called into question. Evidently, the government did not do enough to celebrate women, address their unique challenges, and highlight their achievements.
If you have ever wondered how the world allowed the Holocaust to happen, pay close attention to the silence today. The State of Israel is committing a genocide in Gaza, having killed about 5,791 Palestinians, displacing a further 1.4 million Palestinians, and bombing hospitals, bakeries and places of worship.