Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Still from Smoke Sauna Sisterhood courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.

ReFrame Review: Smoke Sauna Sisterhood

Written by
Amelia Takacs
January 21, 2024
ReFrame Review: Smoke Sauna Sisterhood
Still from Smoke Sauna Sisterhood courtesy of ReFrame Film Festival.

Drawing on feelings of transparency and community, the 2023 film Smoke Sauna Sisterhood accentuates the importance of cleansing the soul alongside the body. Through an intimate construction of personal conversation, director and screenwriter Anna Hints focuses the storyline on female divinity. Geographically, the audience views a singular cabin and its surroundings of an Estonian forest. As the story unfolds, Hint’s articulation of the Sauna Tradition ingrained in cultural aspects of Estonian history creates a stunning, thought-provoking narrative centred around interviews/conversations of the innermost nature with multiple women. 

An expression of the beauty of body and soul, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood is filmed through the change of the seasons. The opening shots of the film present a snow-laden river and surrounding forestry As the story builds thematic notions of rebirth, growth, and transparency in correlation with the everchanging natural world. 

Emphasizing the experience of womanhood, Hint’s film investigates a wide scope of select stories of a unique nature. While these interactions may be categorized as interviews, the framing of conversation, freedom of speech and profound tonality spoken by each woman created an immeasurable show of the importance of the mundane. 

The film itself incorporates a content warning. One which was not ill-set. However, it is the vulnerability and tangible personification of these women’s lives which instill a sense of community and transparency within the viewer. Touching on private medical issues and individual stories regarding personal grappling with sexuality, circumstances and the aftermaths of abortion, abuse and assault, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood, explores the real tribulations resulting in life and loss. 

Hint’s film explores the idea that the female body continues to be identified as a resource in contemporary society. Smoke Sauna Sisterhood presents a vivid analysis of the afflictions which continue to be faced by women as it identifies through conversation that patterns of world history continue to bleed into today’s society through the demonization of women, the audience experiences an emotional journey through shame, guilt, and fear. 

The film discusses internalized judgment and social rejection in response to normal experiences or situations forced upon the woman’s body. Highlighting a woman’s need to tolerate it, Hint creates an environment in which pain is an expression of beauty, circumstances can be understood, and where support can be found. Physical embraces and the mere practice of nurturing is healing. Rather than an isolated journey, secrets and inner thoughts were expressed to a collective. With suffering in life inevitable, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood elaborates on the idea that “the soul cannot be cut away” (15:14).

Expressing the importance of the correlation between the beauty of the body and soul as it coincides with the natural world, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood is a film which draws the audience into private and pertinent conversation. Question and investigation interlaced with acceptance, this film gave voices to those who may have previously been unable or unwilling to express their stories. Spanning casual conversation to stores with heavy connotations, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood articulates healing.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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