City Hall

Peterborough Council Faces "sobering reality" of the 2025 City Budget
Another difficult budget is on the horizon for the City of Peterborough, as City Staff informed Councillors during an all day meeting on Tuesday June 11th.
Council Approves Armour Road Apartment Building After Five Years of Delays, Protests, and Appeals
A notice of motion brought forward by Mayor Jeff Leal which would see City staff be directed to initiate an amendment to the City’s Official Plan which would allow for the development of a seven-storey apartment building by Parkview Homes on the corner of Cunningham and Armour Road in Peterborough was ratified during a meeting of Council on June 10th.
Residents Rally Outside City Hall as Leal Pushes Back On “totally false” Rumours
Concerned residents gathered on the steps of City Hall and the crowd sprawled across the sidewalk and George Street into Confederation Square Monday evening as Council met.
Currents x Arthur - Budget Week 2024
Why does a major street with three schools nearby not have sidewalks to begin with? Can the city really not afford to build one? And what does all of this say about the way Peterborough has been developing in recent decades?
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