Trent Land and Nature Areas Plan (TLNAP)

On Trent Land: The Costs of Expansion
Francene Francis kicks off her series of articles on ecological diversity on campus with a profile of three beautiful and enchanting bird species: the bald eagle, the barn swallow, and the wood thrush. Read more about these species and what they bring to the ever-evolving biological diversity at Trent.
Trent Land is Sacred and the Community is Rallying 
Nick and Brazil cover 'Honouring the Land of the Sacred Elements' -- a virtual seminar organized by community members who are concerned about the Trent Lands Plan and what it means for the wildlife that call our campus home. This article features the perspectives of Professor Emerita Dr. Shirley Williams, Elder Dorothy Taylor, local naturalist Basil Conlin, and PhD candidate Debbie Jenkins.
Consultation, Commercialization, and Confusion On Trent Lands
Nick and Brazil wade into the PR Pond to uncover what the 2020 Trent Lands and Nature Areas Plan actually proposes. This Lands Plan sure does talk the talk, but does it walk the walk? Read this in-depth investigation to learn more about Trent’s plans to commercialize, their consultation process, and the confusion and concern surrounding it all.
Growing Pains
Growing Pains is an Arthur Newspaper podcast about the corporatization of Trent University and how it affects students, faculty, and the community in which our university lies. We want to tell you the story of how this small, collegial, liberal arts university has grown into something perhaps unrecognizable from its original form.
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