Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA)

Trent's Faculty Association Passes Motion Calling for Divestment and Permanent Ceasefire in Gaza
Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA), the union representing full-time faculty and librarians at Trent University, passed a motion on June 12th which calls for a permanent ceasefire and condemns scholasticide in Gaza and other Occupied Palestinian Territories.
Support Our Science! Graduate Student Walkout Demands Increase To Federal Funding
A contingent of approximately 20 graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and faculty from Trent University took to the streets on May 1st as part of a nationwide walkout planned by the grassroots organization Support Our Science.
Post-Secondary Labour Tensions in the COVID Era
As COVID-19 has exposed and exacerbated the cracks and injustices within post-secondary labour, scholars, students and general staff have taken the streets and pushed back against the conditions within their profession. Irene Suvillaga examines the rising labour tensions across Canada analyzing recent actions in Ontario in effort to reveal the causes behind it and assess Trent's position amongst its peers.
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Trent University Faculty Association (TUFA)