Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Photos by Keila MacPherson

Beat the Winter Blahs with Burlesque

Written by
Ruby Monroe
March 9, 2016
Beat the Winter Blahs with Burlesque
Photos by Keila MacPherson

If you’ve seen the movie Burlesque starring Christina Aguilera and Cher, you know how exciting burlesque can be.

When I saw it I fell in love with the idea of seeing a burlesque show, or if the stars were aligned, actually doing burlesque.

Last semester I signed up for my very first set of burlesque classes, Intro to Babe-lesque run by mistress Amy Jane Von Purr, and I will be participating in this term’s intermediate-level classes.

If you’re interested in burlesque, whether it’s a new-found dream or a long standing one, or even just looking for something to do, I would strongly encourage signing up for the classes.

The Intro to Babe-lesque class isn’t just a burlesque class. It is a fun and interactive way to get in touch with your own body and to channel your inner diva, enchantress or glamorous self.

The class teaches about the art of communicating without words in a fun and engaging way.

They are designed to challenge yourself and your comfort zones in the best way, be it stage fright, your ability (or lack thereof) to dance or body image; you are challenging yourself to, hopefully, encourage growth.

Or you are doing the classes to have fun.

Either way, the classes are a rewarding way to meet new people and play around with self-discovery, picking a stage name, costumes and glitter!

I left every class feeling sexy, even if I was having a bad day.

Ten out of ten would do again and I am looking forward to taking the intermediate classes this term.

This term both the intro and intermediate levels are running again at Sadleir House on George Street. It costs $80 for eight classes, or $15 per class for drop-ins.

For those interested in taking the intermediate course, the intro course is required and since the first classes already ran last week, you can still email to register and pay $70 for seven classes for the Thursday classes from this week on.

The intro class runs Thursday 6p.m. to 7p.m., and the intermediate class runs Thursday from 7p.m. to 8p.m., both in the Sadleir House Dining Hall.

To register, email or for more information visit Burlesque in PTBO on Facebook.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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