
Slander in Cinema
In this article, Aimee Anctil explores the oft-overlooked racist and homophobic tropes in 'Mean Girls' (2004) and Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010). Anctil reminds us that "we can appreciate art, we must also criticize it for what it is. No art is without flaw, and no film is without its biases."
Racist Landlords Pose Challenges for International Students
Irene Suvillaga displays the harrowing reality that racialized international students face in finding housing in Peterborough.
Trent's New Anti-Racism Task Force: A step towards a more egalitarian campus
Our coverage of Trent's Anti-Racism Task Force! We interview some members of the committee, and discuss why it is important now more than ever.
Black Girls Chatter
Alicia and Shae share their stories transitioning to natural hair. They cover the different hair types and the history of the natural hair movement.
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