TCSA Referenda

TCSA Board of Directors Meeting: Election Results Ratified Despite Poor Turnout, Next President to be Appointed Internally
On March 24th, 2024 the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) held a meeting of its Board of Directors, whereby it ratified the results of its Spring Election and put together a Presidential Committee, which shall select one of the Association’s Directors to serve as President over the summer, until the Fall 2024 By-Election.
Unofficial Election Results Reveal Failure to Meet Quorum for TCSA Referenda
Unofficial results of the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA)’s Spring General Elections seem to reveal a failure to solicit a sufficient number of votes to ratify referenda, effectively leaving Association policy changes dead in the water.
Editorial: Whose Student Union is it?
In what can only be described as a sucker punch to those of the Association’s membership who showed up to vote on specific by-law amendments which they rejected—twice—during a February 14th Semi Annual General Meeting (SAGM), the TCSA decided to ignore the will of students who cast their vote in a duly convened meeting and force the questions to appear on a referendum on the Spring Election ballot. 
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TCSA Referenda