Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay is the current Editor-in-Chief of Arthur and previously served as Coordinating Editor of Arthur's Volume 57. He is passionate about local arts and culture in Peterborough, as well as politics at all levels, including university governance. Sebastian is delighted to have the unique opportunity to help tell the stories of Peterborough and Trent University and share them with the community.

As a freelance writer, his writing has appeared in KawarthaNOW and he is a semi-regular contributor to the music website DOMINIONATED. Outside of print, Sebastian has previously written and produced a weekly radio show on Trent Radio called Great Canadian Covers and is the current co-host of NOISEHOLE on Trent Radio alongside fellow Arthurian, David King. He currently serves on the station's Board of Directors.

Outside of work, he can be found wandering the trails of Peterborough, at a local concert, cooking, or tuned in to a Blue Jays game.

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"We are the voice of Bonnerworth": Residents Gather in Opposition to Bonnerworth Redevelopment
A rally held at Bonnerworth Park at the corner of Monaghan and McDonnel organized by retired Priest Father Leo Coughlin attracted a group of over 200 people on Saturday afternoon (May 18th).The rally was meant to “Save Bonnerworth Park” from impending $4.4 million redevelopment, which will include the addition of 16 pickleball courts and up to 80 parking spots, which was officially approved by Peterborough City Council on April 8th. 
Groarke statement on encampments "did not address anything" student group says
As Trent students, faculty, and community members gathered for a rally on May 15th as part of an all-day sit in in support of Palestinian liberation, questions remain about Trent's response.
"So much for democracy": Bonnerworth Redevelopment Goes Ahead While Resident and Councillor Concerns Remain
The Bonnerworth Park redevelopment was once again on the agenda at Peterborough City Council due to a motion brought forward by Town Ward Councillor Joy Lachica which asked once more for Council to be given final approval for the new park which includes a renovated skate park, a pump bike track, and—perhaps most infamously—16 pickleball courts. 
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Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay