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Students having fun at Bon Temps | Image via Champlain College Instagram

Champlain College Celebrate 56 Years of Bon Temps

Written by
Alyssa Triano
February 23, 2023
Champlain College Celebrate 56 Years of Bon Temps
Students having fun at Bon Temps | Image via Champlain College Instagram

On February 4th, Champlain College’s longest-standing tradition, “Bon Temps” Winter College Weekend took place. Reuniting both current and former members of this close-knit collegiate community. Individuals on and off campus associated with Champlain College gathered to partake in a wide range of winter festivities in honour of this cherished tradition. Packed with the famous annual broomball tournament, axe throwing, gorilla golf, trivia, and more, this event lived up to its esteemed reputation. 

The winter carnival kicked off at 10:00 am in Champlain College’s K/L Field with an ongoing broomball tournament throughout the day. Along with free hot cocoa and a BBQ lunch for all volunteers and attendees, there were a variety of events appealing to all audiences. Those who found themselves wanting a warmer setting in the heart of winter sprung for the College Weekend’s trivia, games, and arts and crafts indoor festivities. In Champlain’s Great Hall, there was an assortment of activities ranging from cup pong to henna art while the outdoor games commenced. 

Fleming College's Logger Sports Team made a special appearance in K/L Field to showcase their woodwork skills as well as host axe throwing and a log sawing competition for anyone interested. The team provided a unique opportunity for all attendees as well as an impressive display of their skills as timber competitors. Along with axe throwing, the Bon Temps Winter Carnival also brought back an old Champlain tradition known as “gorilla golf.” Although the game is named after the college's mascot “Pax” the gorilla, it in no way reflects the nature or objective of the activity. The golf course was determined by making tracks through the snow with several different patterns and holes, making for a very entertaining winter activity. The Champlain Winter Carnival also included a bonfire with Trent International from 10:00 am-3:00 pm in the K/L Field paired with smores and snacks to enjoy. 

The winter carnival extended beyond outdoor games and crafts, along with these activities was a free BBQ lunch served in the Champlain College Beach Quad for all volunteers and attendees. The Great Hall offered a buffet-style serving table with condiments, snacks, and free hot cocoa for all guests and a cozy setting to enjoy lunch on a cold snowy day. There was an assortment of food stalls from different clubs and groups at Trent set up in the Hall for everyone to enjoy as well. The carnival also included an additional “Bon Temps Dinner” in Champlain’s dining hall at 6:00 pm. The dinner organized by the College Cabinet offered a ticket sale prior to the event and was filled with Champlain alumni, current students, and friends.

Although the Bon Temps carnival is built on the brand of outdoor winter festivities, there was no shortage of indoor events to enjoy in the midst of the chilly weather. The Great Hall offered a decorated space to cozy up in between outdoor events with complimentary hot cocoa and other smaller antics. The Champlain College Cabinet also hosted a trivia night for Bon Temps prior to the outdoor games in Champlain’s dining hall from 6:00-8:00 pm. The trivia was accompanied by popcorn, hot drinks, and an assortment of prizes, including the opportunity to win tickets to the “Bon Temps Dinner.” The carnival also advertised an open invitation to play Fifa in Champlain College with the Trent Arab Student Association.

As not only a member of Champlain college but a first-year student myself, it is evident that this event heavily contributes to solidifying the bond this community shares. The collegiate system is one of Trent’s most valued characteristics as an institution and events like the Bon Temps Winter Carnival are essential in creating these connections within the colleges. Champlain specifically shares a unique interconnectedness with not only its current residents, but with all Champlain alumni. The connections made with other members of this community at events like these are what shape the ongoing relationships between our peers throughout our academic career and beyond. 

Being a first-year student, creating relationships and forming bonds with my peers is one of the most crucial aspects of determining your path for the upcoming years. Attending the Bon Temps Carnival and events similar to it not only creates memories significant to your college, but also helps acclimate you to the university experience as a whole. Being in proximity to others who share a common interest like being a member of Champlain creates a great opportunity to meet others within a community you belong to. This is essential not only to first-year students who are just gaining their bearings for the years to come, but to former members of the college who can meet the upcoming Champlain generation.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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