Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Clubs and Groups Day

Written by
Josh Skinner
September 6, 2017
Clubs and Groups Day

We are currently barreling towards Clubs and Groups day, an event that will feature the movers and the shakers of Trent’s civil society. On September 13th, 10am until 4pm, tables and tents and posters galore will cover Bata podium. VP of External Affairs Molly Hu, explaining what students can expect, says that “some groups may have gifts, or information. It’s an all around information day about clubs and what they can join”

Joining a club or a group is a great opportunity to stack a resumé for the future. More importantly, through joining a group one can build their community by establishing a culture of volunteerism at Trent. Whatever the motivation, joining a club at Trent can help increase your social network.

They bring life to campus. Can you imagine just doing school, going home and that’s it. For me personally I feel that Trent would not be as amazing as it were as a university if we didn’t have all these different organizations on campus that help students come to a common purpose and feel like they belong.” Says Molly Hu.

Clubs and groups day is a great opportunity to meet the cast of characters who constitute the movers and shakers at Trent University. These are the people who cause kerfuffles and make change on campus. They are also the people who fill in the gaps in student services, and provide communities for those looking to belong.

Arthur Newspaper will be there, and if you don’t manage to make it to Clubs and Groups Day, here is the pitch to be a contributor to Arthur. We are looking for volunteer writers, photographers and artists.

  1. Joining Arthur as a volunteer contributor allows one to build communication and writing skills.

  1. Joining Arthur can be a fast track to building your brand, whether one is an up and coming artist or a well practiced photographer, Arthur can be a chance to gain a broader platform.

  1. Community building is done through storytelling, and by telling the stories of Peterborough and Trent volunteers at Arthur can build this town brick by brick, word by word.

Molly Hu’s advice to students is indicative of the university experience:

Be open minded. Events or other organizations that are not what you are usually interested in all have something different or cool to offer. Sometime you meet the most interesting people in the unexpected places.”

Clubs and groups day represents a new beginning for the academic year for new and returning students. Those interested in becoming integrated in the community would be well served to swing by Bata Podium and give clubs and groups a chance. Click here to find out more about clubs and groups at Trent.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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"Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system."
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