Arthur Newspaper: Volume 59

Enter the Bonnerwall: Mayor's Levee Marred by Death Threats, Bonnerworth Protest
The Mayor's New Year's Levee rings in 2025, with Peterborough City Council and Senior Management Staff at the City made informally accessible to the public at a drop-in event at the Canadian Canoe Museum. While democracy prevailed, chaos ensued.
Help! I Loved Perverts by Ethel Cain and I Suddenly Wish to Experience a Whole New Genre of Music!
If you finished listening to Perverts and suddenly thought this, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. The world of slowcore is a scary place, but as an (allegedly) transgender woman myself, I assure you there is no better authority to navigate it for you.
New Ethel Cain is Important
Perverts is a slap in the face in the best kind of way.
Radio Free Arthur
Produced by
Evan Robins
Ian Vansegbrook
With Abby away for this week's RFA, a recurring lore character finally steps into the fore.
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