City Hall

Delegates Speak out Against Program Suspensions at Fleming Board of Governors Meeting
Fleming College’s June 26th Board of Governors meeting saw three deputations advocate for the reversal of the 29 suspended programs announced in April of this year. The delegates, who are all graduates of recently suspended programs, spoke about the impact the program suspensions will have on the community, and called for more transparency around this decision. 
Council votes to urge Feds and Province to consider local economic impact of Fleming College cuts
Peterborough City Council voted for a final time to call on the federal and provincial governments to increase their support for college boards to prevent cuts to programs on offer. The motion comes as Fleming College’s board has voted to cut 29 programs across its two campuses.
Save Bonnerworth Park Group Gathers Again Following Release of Lawyer's Letter to City
Citizens gathered for another rally in protest of the Bonnerworth Redevelopment project before a Peterborough City Council meeting on June 24th. 
Radio Free Arthur
After a week away, the editors return with the story of the century: Pickleball is back in the hearts and minds of Peterborans, and it's heating things up at City Hall!
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