Joy Lachica

Council votes to urge Feds and Province to consider local economic impact of Fleming College cuts
Peterborough City Council voted for a final time to call on the federal and provincial governments to increase their support for college boards to prevent cuts to programs on offer. The motion comes as Fleming College’s board has voted to cut 29 programs across its two campuses.
Councillors Continue Call for Transparency on Bonnerworth Redevelopment Project
On June 21st, Peterborough City Councillor Alex Bierk published a joint statement, drafted alongside fellow Councillors Joy Lachica and Keith Riel to his personal social media platforms concerning the contentious redevelopment of Bonnerworth Park.
"We are the voice of Bonnerworth": Residents Gather in Opposition to Bonnerworth Redevelopment
A rally held at Bonnerworth Park at the corner of Monaghan and McDonnel organized by retired Priest Father Leo Coughlin attracted a group of over 200 people on Saturday afternoon (May 18th).The rally was meant to “Save Bonnerworth Park” from impending $4.4 million redevelopment, which will include the addition of 16 pickleball courts and up to 80 parking spots, which was officially approved by Peterborough City Council on April 8th. 
Peterborough Politics Podcast
This week we talked about Dave Smith being rude (sexist?) to Joy Lachica over a misunderstanding about how the Conservative Ontario government backed off a plan to defund the Ontario Arts Council by 15%. Thin skin much?
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