"Star” journalist Ian Vansegbrook returns to Arthur in it’s 59th volume, prepared to ask questions and stare intently. After a rockstar debut, repeatedly writing about Volleyball and things he’s stumbled into, he has returned to his loving fan base of his mom and a few acquaintances he’s subtly influenced into reading Arthur. Now, allegedly maturer and allegedly locked in, he plans on combining a prodigious curiosity with a passing focus to get to the bottom of whatever poor subject crosses his way.

Winner of zero awards, he still maintains some items of pride. As of writing, he holds the only article listed under “Lesbians and Lesbianism”, had an unsupervisedhost of community members harass the editors into hiring him, and has been described as the best dressed Arthurian. All this to say, the commendations haven’tcome in, YET.

Beyond his tireless work supporting the best news source on Earth, he manages to still balance a merciless slate of hobbies against an ever-encroached academic career. He spends far too much time wandering, pondering, and becoming enraptured with map games, and that’s on top of reading over 20 books at a time and his regular bubble baths.This is a roundabout way of saying he is very cool.

Oh, and he is forklift certified.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

ReFrame Review: The Canadian Dream
The Canadian Dream is an intimate look at a flawed system. Ian Vansegbrook reviews the 2024 documentary about Canada's Temporary Foreign Worker Program and reflects on his own personal experience growing up on a farm less than an hour from where the events of the documentary take place.
Watch: Ian Vansegbrook Ianterviews Alyssa & Murphy
In Ianterviews' inaugural voyage, we sat down with Alyssa & Murphy, online celebrities and fellow Trent students. The pair blew up in popularity in May of 2024 dancing to Jack Johnson’s "Upside Down" reaching over 32 Million views on TikTok. We talk about everything from the Beatles to school life, music to celebrity status, and of course, puppets.
Trent University's Varsity Volleyball Teams Return With Force
Ian Vansegbrook returns to his exhaustive coverage of Trent's Varsity Volleyball team's first games of the year, and interviews with the coaches and players.
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Ian Vansegbrook