Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

Hot Dish: Hot Plate Hash

Written by
Marina Wilke
September 22, 2016
Hot Dish: Hot Plate Hash

The beauty of this dish is that it requires very little equipment. A soup pot, frying pan, cutting board, knife and hotplate will make this delicious, nutritious vegetarian lunch. I have listed specific veggies to include, but I encourage you to improvise and enjoy the bounty of the season! Local fresh ingredients are available at our wonderful Farmers’ Markets (Wednesdays downtown at 225 Charlotte Street and Saturdays at the Memorial Center) and through fantastic food share programs and delivery services like Locavorest ( I like to serve my Veggie Hash with a dollop of natural yogurt and a squeeze of sriracha, but it is equally good served plain. So get frying!


2 tbsp cooking oil

3 potatoes cleaned and cut into 2cm cubes

1 onion diced

2 cloves garlic minced

1 bell pepper sliced

1 small zucchini cut in 2cm cubes

A bunch of kale chopped (remove the veins first!)

1tsp turmeric powder

1.5 tsp dried oregano

Salt to taste


1. Dice your potatoes and boil them for 4-7 minutes until tender, but not falling apart. Drain them and set aside to add to your fry up later.

2. While your potatoes are boiling, chop up the rest of your veggies and start frying in your oil over medium/high heat. The onions should go in first until translucent. Next, add the pepper, zucchini, garlic, potatoes, salt and spices. Continue frying until the veggies are nearly cooked then add the kale and cook until it has softened.

3. Once the kale has softened and you have tested the potatoes to ensure they are cooked through, transfer to a bowl, add your desired condiments and enjoy!

Hot Hint: If you can’t stand the idea of a meal without meat, grab some Italian sausages, cut into medallions and fry them with the onions. It adds a whole new level of flavor to this meal.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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