Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Lady Eaton College. Photo by Rishabh Joshi

LEC celebrates IWD with First Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon

Written by
Kaila Holmes
April 3, 2017
LEC celebrates IWD with First Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon
Lady Eaton College. Photo by Rishabh Joshi

On International Women’s Day, Lady Eaton College hosted the Seeley Women in Leadership Luncheon to celebrate female leadership with Lady Eaton College. The event has been named after the college’s founding Principal, Marjory Peters Seeley Rogers. Lady Eaton College prides itself on having such a connection to women in leadership, as our first Principal was a woman, and we remain the only college that boasts an all-female section in residence, and we continue to encourage women’s involvement at Trent University and Lady Eaton College. Her dedicated leadership had made the colleges the thriving community that it is today.

Born in Manitoba in 1921, Marjory was educated at St. Johns College (B.A 1942), The University of Manitoba (Dip. In Social Work, 1944), and the University of Chicago School of Social Science Administration (1948). She received her Doctor of Canon Law from St. John’s in 1974 and an Honorary Degree from Trinity College in 1989. As founding Principal of Lady Eaton College, Marjory Peters Seeley Rogers was Principal from 1968-1976 and helped to foster an environment where female leaders could grow. Her dedicated leadership had made the colleges the thriving community that it is today.

Students, staff and faculty alike participated in this acknowledgement and celebration of female leadership. Lady Eaton’s College Head Lindsay Morris welcomed guests in her speech that acknowledged the impacts of women’s leadership in the past, and present, as well as their influences in the future. Lindsay also recognized women’s abilities to celebrate one another. Students were given the opportunity to nominate each other to the event, and in their nominations many took the opportunity to state the importance of fellow leaders in their lives. The luncheon presented everyone in attendance a chance to celebrate peers as well as learn from their achievements, all the while enjoying a delicious lunch provided by Black Honey. As attendee Kate Walker said, “A luncheon celebrating women in leadership was a great opportunity for me to interact with influential student and staff leaders that I have looked up to during my time her at Trent.”

The event’s keynote speaker, Janet McPhee, presented attendees with an opportunity to grow in their leadership skills through her enthralling and interactive presentation. McPhee herself is a Lady Eaton College and Trent University alumni. Janet founded her own consulting firm to provide coaching and organizational development services to individuals and corporate clients. She partners with leaders in a variety of positions to help them gain clarity and increased focus in their work, while strengthening their leadership capabilities.

In her speech she reminisced on her times at Trent, and her journey to becoming the successful business owner and community leader she is now. Janet’s presentation focused on the power of connection and mindset. She stated that having an open, learning mindset will help individuals in their leadership skills, as it opens them up to new opinions and opportunities.

During Janet’s presentation, students recognized the connections that they have made at Trent that have greatly impacted their life. Students left the luncheon feeling empowered and thankful for the opportunity to learn from and celebrate fellow women in leadership. With an amazing response to the event, Lady Eaton College hopes to make it an annual event, celebrating the history the college has with female leadership.

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
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