Arthur in Summer 2021

A Love Letter to Red Dead Redemption 2
In this review of Red Dead Redemption 2, Cheyenne Wood explains why this game became a source of solace for her during the pandemic. They explain everything they love about it: well-developed characters, good story-telling, and all the historical accuracies that help to get people thinking about colonization.
The Last of Us Part II was my Favourite Worst Game of 2020
Out of all the games she played during the pandemic, The Last of Us Part II continues to stick with Evan Robins. In this review she examines the expectations this sequel had to live up to, what it actually delivered on, and the difficulty of appreciating the art and craft of games, while resenting the industry behind them.
Growing Pains
In this episode, we unpack Cleantech Commons, and how it opens our campus to commerce. We enlist the help of Prof. Andrew Wernick, to explain what it means for a university to have a brand. We also sit down with Martin Yuill from Cleantech, and try to get to the bottom of who will profit off this project.
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