Health and Wellness

ReFrame Review: Dis-Ease
Ciara Richardson gets down with the sickness, reviewing a feature-length film that examines the social dimensions of epidemics and disease.
(P)ractices (C)ausing (O)ur (S)uffering and the Real PCOS: Building Awareness for Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome 
September is recognized internationally as PCOS awareness month. From my story, it should be easy to understand the significance of adequate representation regarding any social/medical/political issues. Without the hormonal health anecdotes from a reality television star, I wouldn’t have felt the confidence at 16, 17, or 18 years-old to advocate so strongly for myself in front of numerous physicians who attempted to convince me that I was too young or naive to understand my health and what I was experiencing. 
How to Muddle Through Your Midterms
Madison Marvin takes a break from studying for her own midterms to bring the students of Trent some wise words and tips about how to conquer the midterm season and not lose your mind.
Radio Free Arthur
Evan and Abbigale get HOTT-to-go as they discuss the annual spectacle that is Trent University's Head of the Trent Regatta, a weekend which as best as anyone can guess is about getting trashed at 2:00 PM on London Street.
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