Social Media

An Editorial Update Regarding Bill C-18
Our editorial team break their ascetic woodland retreat to bring you important information about Arthur's future following Meta and other Social Media sites' response to the Online News Act.
The Cyber Siren’s Strident Song: Why Tapping Into “Dark Feminine Energy” is a Stale Attempt at Female Empowerment
Ingeniously masked as uplifting, motivational content all about being dominant, assertive and—most importantly—sultry. TikTok’s modernized (but by no means, progressive) take on ‘dark feminine energy’ serves as yet another instigator of insidious comparison among women, fostering an environment of fierce competition, which is hypocritically rooted in appealing to the desire of men.
Brain Hacking Assholes: A Review of Zucked: Waking Up to the Facebook Catastrophe by Roger McNamee
Roger McNamee’s Zucked is the story of an early mentor of Mark Zuckerberg turned critic of the social media giant. In this review, James Forrester reflects upon what went wrong with the internet and how our trust in the “assholes” heading up major social media enterprises have hacked our brains and now pose a threat to democratic order.
Radio Free Arthur
This week, the editors have a big announcement. Thanks to Bill C-18, Arthur's hiring policies have been revamped and starting next volume, all applications and expressions of interest must be made through the paper's Bumble Bizz profile.
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