TCSA Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM)

Editorial: Whose Student Union is it?
In what can only be described as a sucker punch to those of the Association’s membership who showed up to vote on specific by-law amendments which they rejected—twice—during a February 14th Semi Annual General Meeting (SAGM), the TCSA decided to ignore the will of students who cast their vote in a duly convened meeting and force the questions to appear on a referendum on the Spring Election ballot. 
TCSA Unveils Changes to Referendum Policy for Approval at Feb 14th SAGM
On Friday, February 9th, the Trent Central Student Association (TCSA) held a “virtual social”—titled “Beat the Hypocrisy, Let’s Talk Policy”—for students to ask questions about proposed changes to the Association’s Policies & Procedures and By-Laws, which will be put to the membership for approval at their upcoming February 14th Semi-Annual General Meeting (SAGM).
TCSA Semi-Annual General Meeting Struggles to Meet Quorom‍
The Trent Central Student Association struggled to reach operating quorum at an Oct. 17th Semin-Annual General Meeting of its membership.
Radio Free Arthur
What a week, eh weary writers? Despite the previous night's inordinate snow fall, the Arthur editors have endeavoured to drag themselves to Trent Radio House, as there's plenty of news which begs to be talked about.
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