James Cullingham is a filmmaker, historian and journalist. He is a fellow at Peter Gzowski College, an adjunct graduate faculty member at Trent University and founder of Tamarack Productions.

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Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

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There Goes Bonnerworth—My Pickleball Nightmare
Contributor and historian James Cullingham ruminates on the ongoing development of Bonnerworth Park and the ways in which Peterborough's prioritizing of pickleball parallels matters of provincial policy.
Trump and Canadian Pearl-Clutching
Community contributor James Cullingham comes to bear on Canadians despairing the re-election of one Donald J. Trump, arguing that the popular response is revelatory of one of our worst tendencies as a nation.
Sporting Sketches of a Pickleball Town
Humorist Stephen Leacock would find no shortage of fodder in the City of Peterborough's devotion to Pickleball, writes community member James Cullingham.
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James Cullingham
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James Cullingham