Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Detail of event poster by Irene Suvillaga

Arthur Fundraiser Concert to Feature Van the Man, Effigy Girl, and Mouthfeel

Written by
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay
Irene Suvillaga
November 22, 2022
Arthur Fundraiser Concert to Feature Van the Man, Effigy Girl, and Mouthfeel
Detail of event poster by Irene Suvillaga

Arthur Fundraiser Concert: 8:00 PM - December 3rd - The John @ Sadleir House 

Poster artwork by Irene Suvillaga

The time has come! Join us!

After two years of extremely successful online fundraisers, Arthur marks its return to the physical plane by cooking up something sweet  for the holiday season. 

Journalism that matters: 

For fifty-seven years Arthur Newspaper has accompanied Trent students throughout their university journey, providing a platform to voice their concerns, opinions and thoughts. We have evolved together and we shall remain united in our quest to make Trent and the Peterborough/Nogojiwanong community a collective entity that fights for justice, equity, accountability and truth. This year alone, we have covered municipal elections, Mayoral Debates, community meetings on homelessness, and various rallies including CUPE Education Worker protests and th​​ose in opposition to Bill 23; we have demanded Trent to divest from fossil fuels, to re-examine their role in perpetuating and worsening the city’s housing crisis; we have critiqued Trent Senior Administration’s hypocritical indifference to student concerns and their rampant exploitation of International Students; and we have explicitly called out racist landlords, Trent University, and the Ford Government for their greedy capitalist-endeavors, failures, and shortcomings. 

As the world appears to fall apart, as students are drained to the core, mentally, emotionally and physically, we rise together in the soul of a revolution. A revolution of optimism and hope, of rage and action inspired by art and culture, by knowledge and information, by peace, unity and music.

This coming Saturday, December 3rd, Trent’s radical independent student press is joining forces with local musical gems Effigy Girl, Van the Man, and Mouthfeel for a night to celebrate and support local independent journalism, arts, and culture. 

The time has come for journalists, students, locals and artists to come together and artfully rise in the name of a better reality for community members and students.

Ticket information:

Tickets are $15 and can be found on Sadleir House’s website

If you are interested in becoming a regular contributor to Arthur or if you cannot make it for the show but still want to help out the cause of local independent journalism this holiday season you can follow this link

Those who donate $40 will receive one of two illustrated maps by Brazil Gaffney-Knox or both for $60.  

This event is also in support of the TCSA's One Stop Chop Food Pantry. Donations of non-perishable food items are most welcome at or before the event.  

All this being said, the main currency we trade in is our collective spirit. So come get cozy at The John and make some noise with Arthur and friends.

December 3rd is Editor-In-Chief Bethan’s Birthday so come prepared to party! 

About the Acts:

Effigy Girl - An act that keeps you on your toes. An Effigy Girl set is a bit like a dream sequence where you go from singing along to an acoustic number, to heady shoegaze, to moshing to a rollicking interpretation of a Katy Perry tune. These extremes, and everything in between, can be expected from this group of notorious multi-instrumentalists, singers, and artists of all stripes. 

Mouthfeel - Expansive instrumental progressive metal music with a tinge of southern hardcore. If you find yourself feeling nostalgic for the likes of Maylene and the Sons of Disaster or Every Time I Die, with more than a pinch of Between the Buried and Me, then you should probably know about this trio; They make an ungodly amount of noise for three dudes and they sound good doing it. 

Van the Man - Singer and multi-instrumentalist Van The Man is influenced by a wide range of beat-driven genres and eccentric artists like Tyler The Creator and Foster The People. A mixture of rap and pop, Van’s sound and style is encased in an upbeat and vibrant flowing rhythm. With unapologetic and sometimes humorous lyrics, Van’s dance-inducing beat will have you on your feet.

As Keith Richards once said, “See you all in the front room!”

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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