Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Arthur file photo.

City and Transit Union Heading Back to Bargaining Table This Thursday and Friday as a Work Stoppage Looms

Written by
Sebastian Johnston-Lindsay
November 14, 2023
City and Transit Union Heading Back to Bargaining Table This Thursday and Friday as a Work Stoppage Looms
Arthur file photo.

The Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) 1320, representing Peterborough Transit workers, is set to meet again with the City on Thursday November 16th and Friday the 17th, after which the City’s latest offer will be voted on by members to determine if a work stoppage will occur.

According to ATU 1320 President, Cory MacLeod, should the membership reject the offer on the table at the end of negotiations on November 18th, then they will withdraw their labour as of 12:01 AM on Monday November 20th.

ATU 1320 received a “no-board” report on November 1st, which set November 18th as the date on which transit workers are in a legal strike position. MacLeod told Arthur on Tuesday that this round of meetings will include a mediator, a fact which he suggests indicates the local’s continued willingness to settle these negotiations at the bargaining table rather than resorting to a strike action. 

“While the ATU understands the impact that a transit strike will have on our ridership, our frontline transit workers deserve to earn a living wage that keeps pace with inflation,” MacLeod wrote in a press release from ATU Canada. “The ATU will provide a minimum 3 days advance notice to the public before going on strike.” 

The possibility of a lock-out by the City is also a possibility, however, the City has repeatedly stated it does not plan to lock transit workers out on November 18th, including independently to Arthur on Tuesday.

While both parties are hopeful to avoid a strike, each are encouraging transit users to begin planning alternative transportation should a work stoppage occur on Monday morning. 

Brendan Wedley from the City of Peterborough affirmed on Tuesday that “the city continues to be at the negotiating table and will be sharing information with transit users in case of a strike.” 

When asked if the City was exploring any options to provide services should a strike transpire, Wedley said only that it was too early to tell, and he could not speculate at this time. 

Meanwhile, the ATU remains adamant that in order to avoid a work stoppage, the City needs to come to the table with a proper offer for the membership to consider.

“If the employer’s new mandate by Peterborough City Council is ready and the city wants to table a serious offer that is reflective of the environment our members and their families are facing with record inflation, we are available to meet,” MacLeod said. 

The previous offer tabled by the City included a 2% total compensation increase for wages and benefits which “appalled” the ATU, according to an October 26th statement from the local.

This chain of events follows an overwhelming 99% of members voting in favour of a strike on September 17th, and the subsequent breakdowns in negotiations in late October which led to the local requesting a no-board report.

A November 10th statement by the Ontario Federation of Labour outlines the reality that the union is “sounding the alarm and warning transit riders and the public at large that a transit strike in Peterborough is quickly becoming inevitable.”

“We continue to rely on our riders and other groups that are committed to helping us fight for sustainable transit in Peterborough,” MacLeod says. “Part of that sustainability is ensuring that the workforce is treated with respect and dignity, and provided an economic package that is reflective of today's environment and cost of living.”

Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish
Written By
Severn Court (October-August)
Theatre Trent 2023/24
Arthur News School of Fish

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